ABCmouse for Libraries
The award-winning ABCmouse curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2-8+) build a strong foundation for future academic success. ABCmouse is 100% educational, with more than 10,000 learning activities (books, puzzles, educational games, art activities, songs, etc.) across all major subject areas: reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music—including more than 1,200 of those learning activities in Spanish. Best of all, kids just love it!
This version is available in-library only.
ABCmouse for Home
The award-winning ABCmouse curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2-8+) build a strong foundation for future academic success. ABCmouse is 100% educational, with more than 10,000 learning activities across all major subject areas: reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music—including more than 1,200 of those learning activities in Spanish. Best of all, kids just love it!
This version is available for use at home.