Digital Library

Livingston Parish Library offers several resources for eBooks, eAudiobooks, eCourses, and more to fulfill patron's entertainment and educational needs. Choose a type of eContent below to learn more about our great digital services.

Need a library card? Complete this online form to get an eCard. You can also renew your library card to begin accessing items in the Digital Library.

Digital Library is Always Open!

Cloud Library

The easiest way to download eBooks and eAudiobooks has arrived at Livingston Parish Library! All you need is your library card number, your device of choice and an internet connection. Once you’ve downloaded the app and signed in with your library card, you are ready to browse, checkout and download thousands of titles. You can also browse online via your web browser to find your favorite titles.

Plus, if you're using the CloudLibrary app, available in the App Store and Google Play, you can access hundreds of movie selections.


Person looking at tablet of book covers

Named one of Popular Mechanics’ 20 Best Apps of the Decade, Libby seamlessly connects readers with its digital content. Libby is compatible with all major computers and devices, iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phones and tablets and Chromebook™. Using an eInk device? No problem! Libby content can be downloaded via Adobe Digital Editions or via Kindle for Amazon, depending on your eReader. This new digital collection features popular and bestselling fiction and nonfiction titles most commonly read by our adult patrons. Readers can borrow up to three titles at any given time for a period of twenty-one days. There are no monthly limits on the total number of borrows for a patron account.


EBSCO eBooks & Audiobooks

EBSCOHost offers access to more than 1,600 eBooks and thousands of eAudiobooks. Patrons with a valid library card can sign-up online. Once registered, patrons can access the catalog of eBooks from their home Internet connection 24 hours, 7 days a week! Enjoy the convenience of accessing a wide variety of digital books anytime, anyplace!


LibriVox is a collection of public domain audiobooks and chapters that have been recorded by volunteers and released back onto the Internet. These recordings are all in the public domain, so they are free to listen to and use.

World Book Online

The World Book Web is a suite of online and downloadable research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites.


Britannica offers hundreds of full-color and black-and-white nonfiction and circulating reference e-books, ranging from pre-K to academic. All of the e-books offered on our site are published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., and Britannica Educational Publishing.

The New York Times

Enjoy access to The New York Times, courtesy of YOUR Livingston Parish Library. Discover original, quality journalism that helps you make sense of this moment — and make everyday life better. Start exploring today.

Access The New York Times inside the library:

Log in with your email address and password to enjoy unlimited access while inside the library or connected to the library's network.

Access The New York Times remotely:

While accessing The New York Times remotely, please log in/register to enjoy access for up to 24 hours. After the 24-hour access has passed, you can restart the process again to continue enjoying access.

Wall Street Journal

Get direct access to The Wall Street Journal online with your library card. Access WSJ content from anywhere with an internet connection. Search defaults to searching the last 90 days' worth of WSJ articles but the advanced search lets you search the last four years.

Here's how to get started:

Users will need to create a free account, after which you can start using immediately. Your access will be available for the next 3 days. After 3 days, simply return to this page, click the above link again, and log in as an existing user with the same username and password you used when you created your account.

Access includes:

  • digital versions of the print editions
  • the WSJ Magazine
  • profiles, financials, and research & ratings of thousands of companies
  • and more!
OverDrive Magazines


OverDrive is excited to offer OverDrive Magazines, over 3,000 popular titles supplied in partnership with ZINIO and available to read in Libby! 

OverDrive Magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use, so you can enjoy every issue of every magazine.  

If you currently use the legacy OverDrive app and need assistance, visit

Livingston Parish Digital Archives

The Livingston Parish Library Digital Archives houses complete, text-searchable issues of the Livingston Parish News dating back to January 1925. Search and browse by keyword, first and last name, year, and more! Newspaper images can also be cropped and printed, or saved as PDF files.

The Advocate

Online access to The Advocate, Baton Rouge's premier newspaper, is now available through NewsBank. Editions available include the publications from 1986 through the current day's newspaper.

Statement from Newsbank, July 2024: We are currently experiencing internal technical issues. New issues for July 2024 will be loaded as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience while we work diligently to restore missing content.

Comics Plus

Comics Plus is available to library patrons, for free, with their library card.

  • Access through your browser on any computer or smart device with an internet connection.
  • Browse by Genre, Publisher, Comic, and instantly check out your favorites.
  • No holds or waiting – all comics are available whenever you want them.
Gale Presents: Udemy

Gale Presents: Udemy is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through more than 4,000 continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more. All courses are taught by world-class instructors and offer a tailor-made learning experience for those who want to learn new technologies and skills to stay competitive in a changing workforce.

Creativebug offers more than 1,000 award-winning art & craft video courses taught by recognized design experts and artists. 

Universal Class

Universal Class brings libraries lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs).

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone Library Solution is dedicated to changing people's lives through the power of language and literacy education. The company's innovative digital solutions drive positive learning outcomes for the inspired learner at home or in schools and workplaces around the world.

Rosetta Stone's language division uses cloud-based solutions to help all types of learners read, write, and speak more than 30 languages. This is an effective, easy-to-use course that allows you to learn a new language on your own time.

Available in-library and from home with a library card number. Accessible on your computer or mobile device via the Rosetta Stone app. 


Pronunciator is a fun and easy way to learn new languages (over 80), including courses for learning English as a Second Language.

This resource is offered to Louisiana residents through the State Library of Louisiana. You will be redirected to the State Library Connection webpage to access this resource. Be sure to have your Livingston Parish Library card handy.